bookspry FAQ


How do I update my cover?

Our system should automatically update your cover to the latest version available on Amazon on the day of the promotion, but it’s also possible (and a very good idea!) to update it yourself once it’s ready.

To update your cover:

  1. Log in to the Author Platform
  2. Select Import
  3. Import the book you want to update
  4. Your new cover should now display everywhere!
Can I have multiple pen names in one account?

Yes! In fact we recommend keeping all your activity in one bookspry account.

Nobody can see which pen names, books, or promotions are attached to your account and managing one account for all your promotions and communication is ideal.

Now, technically you can create as many accounts as you want, for as many pens and books as you want, but almost every author who does that eventually consolidates into one account because it’s just so much easier to manage.

How many readers does bookspry have?

Readers (or list size as some companies call it) is a tricky thing. Some companies report active users, some report total historical numbers and none of them are verifiable. 

As an author, what we actually care about is how many people will see my book, and how likely are they to click it. It doesn’t matter if you have a list size of 100,000 readers if they’re all email lapsed email accounts, or if they aren’t interested in buying books.

At bookspry, we’re constantly growing our list and constantly removing users who don’t engage with the books we send them. This makes our list incredibly active, which has the added benefit of getting good placement in inboxes, creating even more activity. 

When choosing a promotion service for your book, we recommend paying less attention to the published list size (which you can’t verify) and more attention to reviews and feedback from other authors, which you can!

What happens after I submit my book for promotion?


  1. You submit your promotion to us using our promo forms.
  2. We review your book. 
  3. We inform you if your book is approved and send the invoice. This will likely completed in 24-36hrs, though it’s usually the same day.
  4. You pay the invoice
  5. We run the promo!
How much does the bookspry author platform cost to use?

Nothing! Registering for the platform is completely free, and there are no expectations of payment or sales for registering. You’re free to use the Free Tools or Paid Services whenever you want.

Why are you called bookspry?

The idea was you had to be spry to get all these books! At least that’s how I remember it.

At the time we didn’t realise how easy it was to misspell the name as bookpsry, or book spry or bookspray, or…


What is bookspry?

We’re a daily deal service for great books! We send out free books and books that are on sale. Everything from best sellers to brand new authors to discover. It’s totally free for you, you can unsubscribe anytime, and in the meantime you get great books!

If you’re interested in knowing more about how we came to be, check out “Why We Made bookspry“, or our About Us page.


How much does this cost?

Nothing. We pick the ebooks and send the emails for free.

You can choose to buy or download the books or not, but at no time will we ask you for any money.

What if a book is the wrong price?

First things first, unfortunately books aren’t always going to be the expected price, so it’s important to always check the price in the store, before you buy.

That being said, the primary reason is that the deal has expired, so check the date of the email first, or the date listed on the website. Authors don’t always keep their book on sale beyond the day the email goes out and the farther away from the post date, the less likely it will still be on sale.

Aside from the deal being expired, book prices can change for a handful of reasons. The most common being that the sale is “Regional”. Meaning it’s on sale in some countries and not others. When that’s the case we try to flag the book with the regions where it’s available. You’ll see things like “US Sale” for instance. We try to limit how many of these books we have, but unfortunately it’s unavoidable.

How can I get Free Books?

Looking for free romance books? Sign up here!

You can also sign up for our Sci-fi and Fantasy newsletter here (for free Sci-fi books) and our Erotica newsletter here

Do I need a Kindle to take advantage of these deals?


All of our book deals are available on Amazon but they’re often also available on other stores like Barnes & Noble, Google Books, Apple, and Kobo. Check out our “Other Stores” section on our deals page.

If you do want to get the book deals on Amazon, you still don’t need a Kindle, you can use the Kindle Reader App which is free to download. More details here.

How do I change my email address?

At the bottom of all our emails there should be a “preferences” link. That link will allow you to change your email. You can also reply to any of our emails and ask us to update your email address for you. Just let us know what the now address is and which newsletters you want to get!