
NaNoWriMo Day 30 – AAAAAAAHHHH!!!

You made it to Day 30! Give yourself a round of applause! You should be so proud of yourself.  

Just taking part in NaNoWriMo makes you a winner! If you made it to 50,000 words then that’s awesome! If you didn’t make it all the way, then don’t worry! You should still be immensely proud of yourself for taking part in NaNoWriMo. Whatever your final word count, November was a massive step forward. You started writing your novel and you got a whole whack of it written.

Take today and celebrate! You got through the pressure of NaNoWriMo without losing all your marbles!

However, just because November is over, it doesn’t mean that you can just forget about your novel. NaNoWriMo is just the beginning. There is a lot more to do!

All your hard work and sweat throughout NaNoWriMo happened for a purpose and that purpose is the eventual publication of your novel.

Unfortunately, the hard work isn’t quite over. On the other hand, you’ve already done the hardest part. You’ve written a good chunk of your first draft. Now that you’re out of the pressure cooker that is NaNoWriMo, you can take you time over the next few stages as you finish your manuscript and start to edit it. We’ll be there to help. Keep an eye out for some upcoming pieces on how to take your manuscript to the next stage.

For all of our NaNoWriMo posts and tips, click here.
